Monday, September 8, 2008

Log Rhythms

Log trucks are a fact of life in this part of the country. They rumble down the interstate, career along twisting mountain roads, and trundle through town. I see loaded log trucks pass each other headed in opposite directions, and I wonder: Instead of hauling logs from harvesting points in the north to a southern sawmill and vice versa, why not take the logs cut in the north to a nearby northerly sawmill and those cut in the south to a southerly sawmill and avoid the expense of crisscrossing Corvallis? Maybe I could be a consultant.

Another thing about log trucks: Seeing those loads of just-cut trees summons images of the ugly clear-cuts that mar the hillsides hereabouts and brings a pang sadness. However, a truckload of milled lumber going down the road does not elicit the same feeling. Instead I'm likely to think: Hum, those are some nice two-by-sixes. I guess it's similar to the difference between seeing a cattle truck on its way to market and seeing a meat purveyor making a delivery to a restaurant.

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